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How to find your ring size

Before you begin, keep in mind you want to make sure that you measure the finger when it is at its largest.  For an accurate reading it is best to measure the finger at the end of the day when the finger is at its largest. Fingers shrink in the cold temperature, so do not measure cold fingers.

As a general rule you will find that your fingers will be a half size larger on your dominant hand (the hand that you write with).

Another thing to consider is if the wearer suffers from arthritis and has wider knuckles than the base of their finger. In this case measure both the knuckle and the base of the finger and go for a point somewhere in between

To measure the finger all you need is:

  • a piece of string, say 6 inches long (a strip of paper will do just as well)
  • a pen to mark the string/paper
  • a ruler (millimeter scale)

Firstly, wrap the piece of string or paper around the base of the finger that you want to measure.

Then, take the pen and mark on the string or paper where it overlaps to form a complete circle around your finger. Then, run the string or paper along your ruler to measure its length in mm.This measurement is the circumference of the string or paper loop. (the measurement all around the edge of the circle.)

Lastly compare this measurement with the chart below to find the nearest measurement to yours. This will then be your ring size.


Short US ring size List


If you want to buy the ring as a surprise for someone you can always ask a close friend or relative of the recipient if they know their ring size. Or you can always take one of their rings and run it down a tapered candle or similar item, then measure the circumference as before with a piece of string or strip of paper and compare the measurement to the chart. To convert from US ring Size to another International Ring Size Standards see this table link for reference